Hymn suggestions for Sunday 27 October 2024


30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings are laid out as for the continuous form of the lectionary. Alternative related readings (OT and psalm only) are below. Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading

Job 42: 1-6, 10-17

Be the light in my darkness (website only)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind forgive our foolish ways (StF 495)
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (StF 626)
From all that dwell below the skies (StF 75)
God has spoken – by his prophets (StF 157)
God moves in a mysterious way (StF 104)
Here hangs a man discarded (StF 273)
My God! I know, I feel thee mine (StF 390)
Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord (StF 89)

Psalm 34: 1-8 (19-22)

Hymns echoing the psalmist’s theme

Christ, whose glory fills the skies (StF 134)
Come, let us use the grace divine (StF 549)
King of Glory, King of Peace (StF 56)
Lord, I lift your name on high (StF 332)
Love divine, all loves excelling (StF 503)
May this be a place of nurture (website only)
Out of the depths I cry to thee (StF 433)
Tell out, my soul, the greatness of the Lord! (StF 186)
This, this is the God we adore (StF 67)
Through all the changing scenes of life (StF 638)
Hebrews 7: 23-28

All for Jesus – all for Jesus (StF 341)
Alleluia! Sing to Jesus, his the sceptre, his the throne (StF 568)
Christ, whose glory fills the skies (StF 134)
I know that my Redeemer lives (StF 303)
Christ triumphant, ever reigning (StF 319)
God eternal, timeless moment (website only)
Jesus is King and I will extol him (StF 327)
Listening God, you hear us when we cannot speak (StF 524)
Lord, enthroned in heavenly splendour (StF 593)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (StF 83)

Mark 10: 46-52

Author of faith, eternal Word (StF 457)
Amazing grace – how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me (StF 440)
Be still and know that I am God (StF 18)
Come, Lord, to our souls come down (StF 493)
Give me the faith which can remove (StF 661)
Have faith in God, my heart (StF 466)
I'll praise my Maker while I've breath (StF 79)
O for a thousand tongues to sing (StF 364)
Open the eyes of my heart, Lord (StF 451)
We pray for healing and for health (website only)
You call us out to praise you (website only)

Alternative related readings

Jeremiah 31: 7-9

Alleluia! Sing to Jesus (StF 568)
Hills of the north, rejoice (StF 172)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (StF 83)
The King of love my shepherd is (StF 479)
With gladness we worship (StF 17)

Psalm 126

Hymns echoing the psalmist’s theme

Earth's creator, everyday God (StF 45)
Give me joy in my heart (StF 76)
Give to me, Lord, a thankful heart (StF 520)
Glorious things of thee are spoken (StF 748)
Great is our redeeming Lord (StF 683)
Now the green blade rises (StF 306)
You shall go out with joy (StF 487)

Hymn suggestions for Sunday 20 October 2024
Hymn suggestions for Friday 1 November 2024 (All Saints)