Sunday 13 February,2022
6th Sunday in Ordinary Time
This Sunday is also Racial Justice Sunday. Further resources are available to mark this event.
Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading
As the deer pants for the water (StF 544)
Father, in whom we live (StF 5)
Today, I awake and God is before me (StF 139)
Abide with me (StF 141)
All my hope in God is founded (StF 455)
Come, Lord, to our souls come down (StF 493)
Great God, your love has called us here (StF 499)
I need thee every hour (StF 467)
May the mind of Christ my Saviour (StF 504)
Thank you, O God, for the time that is now (StF 478)
Hymns echoing the psalmist’s theme
Come, Holy Ghost, our hearts inspire (StF 155)
Happy are those who do not follow the advice of the wicked (StF 800) (responsive reading of Psalm 1)
O blessed spring, where Word and sign embrace us (StF 617)
Help us, O Lord, to learn (StF 504)
Your words to me are life and health (StF 164)
He has risen (StF 302)
In Christ alone my hope is found (StF 351)
Jesus is risen, alleluia! (StF 304)
Thine be the glory (StF 313)
NB the first three suggestions reflect more closely the version of the Beatitudes included in Matthew’s Gospel
Beatitude (website only)
Blest are the pure in heart (StF 244)
Blest are they, the poor in spirit (StF 245)
My soul rejoices in God my Saviour (StF 60)
Through the love of God our Saviour (StF 639)
We turn to God when we are sorely pressed (StF 640)