Sunday 13 September, 2020
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Readings are laid out as for the continuous form of the lectionary. Alternative related readings (OT and psalm only) are below. Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading.
As we gather in our presence now (StF 609)
Come, Host of heaven’s high dwelling place (StF 680)
Come, now is the time to worship (StF 24)
Great is our redeeming Lord (StF 683)
*O breath of life, come sweeping through us (StF 391)
There’s a quiet understanding (StF 36)
Father in whom we live (StF 5)
Guide me, O thou great Jehovah (StF 465)
O God, our help in ages past (StF 132)
*O worship the King, all-glorious above (StF 113)
Safe in the shadow of the Lord (StF 509)
or Canticle: Exodus 15: 1b -11, 20-21
Hymns echoing the psalmist’s theme
I sing the almighty power of God (StF 107)
In the darkness of the still night (StF 109)
*O worship the King, all-glorious above (StF 113)
Because the Saviour prayed that we be one (StF 675)
*Brother, sister, let me serve you (StF 611)
Christ, from whom all blessings flow (StF 676)
Come, and let us sweetly join (StF 646)
Jesus, Lord, we look to thee (StF 686)
Let him to whom we now belong (StF 557)
*Let love be real, in giving and receiving (StF 615)
Almighty God, we come to make confession (StF 419)
'Forgive our sins, as we forgive', you taught us, Lord, to pray (StF 423)
Great God, your love has called us here (StF 499)
*Let love be real, in giving and receiving (StF 615)
*O breath of life, come sweeping through us (StF 391)
Only by grace can we enter (StF 565)
Alternative related readings:
All praise to our redeeming Lord (StF 608)
*Brother, sister, let me serve you (StF 611)
Here on the threshold of a new beginning (StF 684)
God, how can we forgive when bonds of love are torn? (StF 613)
O, the love of my Lord is the essence of all that I love here on earth (StF 431)
Thanks for friends who keep on loving (StF 619)
Thou God of truth and love (StF 620)
When memory fades and recognition falters (StF 621)
Hymns echoing the psalmist's theme
Fill thou my life, O Lord my god (StF 73)
Lord, we turn to you for mercy (StF 429)
There's a wideness in God’s mercy (StF 416)