Sunday 16 July, 2023


15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Readings are laid out as for the continuous form of the lectionary. Alternative related readings (OT and psalm only) are below. Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading.


From the breaking of the dawn to the setting of the sun (StF 156)
God, whose love is all around us (StF 585) communion hymn
O for a heart to praise my God (StF 507)
Out of the depths I cry to you, O Lord (website only)

Genesis 25: 19-34

Covenant of Grace (website only)
Deep in the shadows of the past (StF 463)
Let love be real, in giving and receiving (StF 615)

Psalm 119: 105-112

Hymns echoing the psalmist’s theme

Master, speak! Thy servant heareth (StF 666)
Our words to me are life and health (StF 164)
Teach me, my God and King (StF 668)

Romans 8: 1-11

Holy Spirit, fall on me (website only)
Into a world of dark, waste and disordered space (StF 387)
Jesus Christ – Perfect Love (StF 325)
My God! I know, I feel thee mine (StF 390)
*Open, Lord, my inward ear (StF 450)
The Spirit lives to set us free (StF 397)
Where shall my wondering soul begin (StF 454)

Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23

*Before the world began, one Word was there (StF 101)
Come, you thankful people, come (StF 123)
Food to pilgrims given (StF 584)
How small a spark has lit a living fire! (StF 408)
*Open, Lord, my inward ear (StF 450)
See how great an flame aspires (StF 412)
What shall we offer our good Lord..? (StF 671)

Alternative related readings:

Isaiah 55: 10-13

*Before the world began, one Word was there (StF 101)
God, whose almighty word chaos and darkness heard (StF 106)
Sing of the Lord’s goodness (StF 65)
You shall go out with joy and be led forth with peace (StF 487)

Psalm 65: (1-8), 9-13

Hymns echoing the psalmist’s theme

All creatures of our God and King (StF 99)
Shout for joy! The Lord has let us feast (StF 598)

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