Sunday 22 April, 2018
4th Sunday of Easter
Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading
All for Jesus - all for Jesus (StF 341)
Lord, we recall your words that speak (website only)
Acts 4: 5-12
Christ is made the sure foundation (StF 677)
Great is the darkness that covers the earth (StF 405)
Jesus Christ is the Lord of all (StF 352)
Let earth and heaven agree (StF 358)
We have a gospel to proclaim (StF 418)
Psalm 23
Hymns echoing the psalmist's theme
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (StF 626)
The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want (StF 481)
The King of love my shepherd is (StF 479)
When circumstances make my life to hard to understand (StF 641)
1 John 3: 16-24
All the room was hushed and still (StF 266)
Father, hear the prayer we offer (StF 518)
Here on the threshold of a new beginning (StF 684)
I'll praise my maker while I've breath (StF 79)
Love divine, all loves excelling (StF 503)
John 10: 11-18
Give me the faith that can remove and sink the mountain to a plain (StF 661)
I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship (StF 350)
There is a higher throne than all this world has known (StF 337)
I will sing the wondrous story (StF 323)
What shall I do my God to love (StF 516)
In heavenly love abiding (StF 736)
When I was lost, you came and rescued me (StF 367)
Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading
All for Jesus - all for Jesus (StF 341)
Lord, we recall your words that speak (website only)
Acts 4: 5-12
Christ is made the sure foundation (StF 677)
Great is the darkness that covers the earth (StF 405)
Jesus Christ is the Lord of all (StF 352)
Let earth and heaven agree (StF 358)
We have a gospel to proclaim (StF 418)
Psalm 23
Hymns echoing the psalmist's theme
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death (StF 626)
The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want (StF 481)
The King of love my shepherd is (StF 479)
When circumstances make my life to hard to understand (StF 641)
1 John 3: 16-24
All the room was hushed and still (StF 266)
Father, hear the prayer we offer (StF 518)
Here on the threshold of a new beginning (StF 684)
I'll praise my maker while I've breath (StF 79)
Love divine, all loves excelling (StF 503)
John 10: 11-18
Give me the faith that can remove and sink the mountain to a plain (StF 661)
I cannot tell why he, whom angels worship (StF 350)
There is a higher throne than all this world has known (StF 337)
I will sing the wondrous story (StF 323)
What shall I do my God to love (StF 516)
In heavenly love abiding (StF 736)
When I was lost, you came and rescued me (StF 367)