Sunday 27 December, 2020
1st Sunday of Christmas
Why not explore some alternative tunes? Make some 30 second discoveries on Singing the Faith Plus.
Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one hymn
As the deer pants for the water (StF 544)
Glory be to God on high (StF 199)
Let all the world in every corner sing (StF 57)
Let earth and heaven combine (StF 208)
Morning has broken like the first morning (StF 136)
Praise is rising, eyes are turning to you (StF 64)
Worship God with the morning sunrise (StF 68)
Hymns echoing the psalmist’s theme
All creatures of our God and King (StF 99)
Angels, from the realms of glory (StF 190)
Of the Father’s love begotten (StF 181)
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (StF 83)
Praise the Lord! You heavens, adore him (StF 86)
Abba, Father (StF 439)
Born in song! (StF 21)
Born in the night, Mary’s child (193)
Come, let us sing of a wonderful love (StF 443)
*Come, thou long-expected Jesus (StF 169)
Jesus, we are here (Jesu, tawa pano) (StF 27)
Let earth and heaven combine (StF 208)
We wait in hope for hope to come (website only)
Where shall my wondering soul begin? (StF 454)
And I will wait now (website only)
Beneath the paper wrappings (StF 192)
Birth brings a promise of new life awaking (StF 226)
*Come, thou long-expected Jesus (StF 169)
Hail to the Lord's Anointed (StF 228)
Mary and Joseph came to the Temple (StF 229)
Now, Lord, you let your servant go in peace (StF 794) responsive reading
Remembering Mary (website only)
Sing of a God in majestic divinity (StF 13)
Take my life, and let it be (StF 566)
Through long years of watchful waiting (StF 232)
We cannot bear the full light of your glory (website only)
We see the eyes of Mary shine (StF 219)