Sunday 5 June, 2022
Hymns marked with an asterisk (*) are suggested for more than one reading
Singing the Faith has a section The gift and work of the Holy Spirit (StF 369 - 400). Most of the hymns here are appropriate for more than one of the readings below, given the core theme of Pentecost.
Also see Touching the wind: how we describe the Holy Spirit
Baptise us with your Spirit (StF 369)
Come to us, creative Spirit (StF 726)
God eternal, timeless moment (website only)
It was a new beginning on the day the Spirit came (website only)
Like the murmur of the dove’s song (StF 389)
Set loose the tongues, the tongues of flame (website only)
Sing to him, in whom creation (StF 14) especially vv1,4,5,6
Streets are filled with many people (A living Pentecost) (website only)
Spirit of God, unseen as the wind (StF 394)
She sits like a bird, brooding on the waters (StF 393)
Carol of Peace ("Where is the peace that will cure the world's madness?") (Website only)
Deep in the shadows of the past (StF 463)
Set loose the tongues (website only)
We come from the mountains, valleys and plains (StF 417)
When circumstances make my life (StF 641)
For the music of creation (StF 74)
God, whose almighty word (StF 106)
Jesus is Lord! Creation’s voice proclaims it (StF 353)
Meet and right it is to sing (StF 32)
Abba Father, let me be yours and yours alone (StF 439)
As we gather, Father, seal us (StF 570)
Earth’s creator, everyday God (StF 45) especially vv. 1,9,10 and 11
Father God, I wonder how I managed to exist without the knowledge of your parenthood (StF 72)
When Jesus came to Jordan (StF 233)
Come, all who look to Christ today (StF 678)
Come down O love divine (StF 372)
Come Holy Spirit come (website only)
God to enfold you (StF 648)
Like the murmur of the dove’s song (StF 389)
O Holy Spirit, Lord of grace (StF 392)
Through the love of God our Saviour (StF 639)
When deep despair casts out all light (StF 399)