Bible Month 2022 – Isaiah: God here, now and yet to come
In drawing out themes, preaching points and discussion pointers, Helen Paynter’s introduction to the world and words of Isaiah provides the core material in this year’s Bible Month resource. Bible Month is scheduled for June, but the resource can be used at any time. Further details on the Preach website.
If you are planning to focus on the prophet Isaiah during worship, for example in a preaching series, here is a starter list of hymns from Singing the Faith and StF+ that you might find helpful. We have focused on hymns that reflect the four themes developed for the Bible Month resource, together with hymns that say something about Isaiah's call and prophetic task.
1. Setting the scene
2. Tough love
3. Light to the world
4. The faithful servant
5. A new world
Each group of hymns is accompanied by some brief contextualisation, and extracts from Helen’s study.
Helen has recorded a short introduction to her study of Isaiah (1 min, 45 secs), available on YouTube.
Further resources and links for Bible Month are available on the Methodist website.