Celebrating diversity
Even the most committed ecumenist does not ask for grey uniformity in how we express our Christian faith.
In the materials produced by Church Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI) for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, there is an important acknowledgement of the diversity within Christian experience. This is also true of the hymns gathered in the “Life and Unity of the Church” section of Singing the Faith.
A number of hymns have been published on the Singing the Faith Plus website as well that sing of our need to draw together different life and faith experiences in Christian community.
In celebrating diversity (We come to celebrate), Stephanie Jenner writes:
Christ does not discriminate,
but welcomes one and all;
so we will seek to do the same,
responding to God’s call.
Likewise, Gary Hopkins includes in his hymn When our views are varied this prayer:
show us how to listen
and to not accuse,
open and respectful
to each other’s views
Gary’s 2012 text draws upon the writings of St Paul: specifically 1 Corinthians, the focus of the 2014 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity materials (1 Corinthians 13: 12). He also alludes to those passages in Paul's letters in which the apostle pleads for unity amongst the early Christian communities (e.g. Ephesians 2: 11-22; 4: 1-6; and Philippians 1: 27-29).
Also see:
Anna Briggs’ You call us out to praise you
Joy Dine’s God who sets us on a journey
Also read an overview of other hymns in Singing the Faith about Life and Unity in the Church.