No longer my own but yours (website only)

Composers & arrangers:
Orton, Andrew
Special Sundays:
Special Sundays:
Aldersgate Sunday


No longer my own but yours.
I give myself to you,
I offer my life
and all I have and am and long to be.
I give you my life,
both now,
and for all eternity;
no longer my own,
I offer myself in all humility.

Verse 1

So long I had gone my own way,
denying your claim upon me;
hesitating in all I did for you.
Yet your love is merciful,
and your faithfulness endures
with a love which never, ever ends:

Verse 2

Christ has many services he calls us to.
Some are easy, others difficult.
But the power to do all things
is given to us in Christ, God’s Son,
who strengthens us to do God’s will:

Verse 3

So, in love, I surrender my life.
I am no longer my own but yours.
Put me to what you will, give me the place,
send me to where you will
and to who you decide.
May you be central in all I do:

Verse 4

And so throughout all this
I will trust in you, my Father.
When there is work for me and when there is none;
when I have all things and
when I have nothing,
your will, not mine, be done.

Words and music 2021 © Andrew Orton
Metre: Irregular
Download the music as a PDF

Ideas for use

Andrew Orton’s words both paraphrase and reflect upon the central prayer of the Methodist Covenant Service, usually marked in Methodist churches on the first Sunday in January.

As a remembrance of one of John Wesley’s unique contributions to the prayer life of Methodists and others, Andrew’s hymn is well worth considering not just for a traditional Covenant service but on other occasions when commitment or (re)dedication is the focus of worship, including as a communion hymn.

Andrew’s setting is hugely attractive melodically and a congregation will find their way into the refrain quickly. The irregular rhythms of the verses take a little getting used to and may be best sung by a worship leader in the first instance.


More information

This text isn’t an exact setting of the original Covenant Prayer, though the words of the original are incorporated. Andrew takes the opportunity to expand the text, allowing time for reflection on what are challenging words. Verse 1 in particular has the quality of a psalm of penitence:

So long I had gone my own way,
denying your claim upon me;
hesitating in all I did for you.

The Covenant Service page of the website describes how the original service came about and reflects further on Methodist understanding of the prayer at its centre.

For a shorter, metered setting of the Covenant Prayer, try Barbara Honeyball Young's Covenant of Grace.

For suggestions of other hymns for this service, see Covenant and renewal - hymns to explore.

The complete Covenant Service is available in the Methodist Service Book, or you can download it here.

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