Put up a huge map of the world and surround it with pictures of people from parts of the world appearing in the news.
Pin or stick prayers onto the countries that are in your prayers.
Prayer Twin
If you have contacts, mission partners, family orlinks with a church overseas, arrange an international prayer 'twin'. Agree to pray for each other every week and keep in touch with subjects for prayer - remembering to swap good news stories for thanksgiving, as well as prayers that are about needs.
'From Our Correspondent'
People at church, in your youth group or junior church, take it in turns to report on a particular situation in the world.
Within worship or at your meeting, the 'Correspondent' talks about the story and then invites people to pray for the situation and those involved.
Learning Curve
Ask people in your fellowship group or church to each research the way that people pray in different parts of the world and in different denominations and faiths.
Make a display of the things you find out and invite local schools to come and have a look - the teachers are likely to be thrilled to be involved!
Keep Informed
JMA's Rainbow magazine,World Church pageson the Methodist Church website, andAll We Can newsletters are all great ways to stay informed about what is going on in the world. Use these and the invaluable Prayer Handbook to pray regularly for mission partners and for situations around the world and in Britain and Ireland.