
Discover prayers for different topics, themes, events, occasions and days of the month. These are for reference and use in planning services and events.

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Praying neon hands.

A prayer for today

Read prayers for today, as written by Methodists from across the world.

God of justice, love and grace we pray for all who stood as candidates in the General Election. We pray for our newly elected Government and for those parties who will serve on the opposition benches and those independent Members of Parliament.

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Lord, we want an easy life – we come to you to escape our difficulties, for a solution to our problems, to find security.

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Holy and hidden God, your mystery and majesty fills the earth and all creation.

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God in hiding, waiting in the dark, blowing over the formless void, speak a word of light and life, we pray

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All our powers we surrender to you, O God, and our whole will to yours.

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Faithful God,
we trust in your promise that the darkness so often contains treasures

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Let your peace rule in our hearts, O Lord

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Hidden God,
you are known to me as absence
more than presence

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Grant us, Lord, the penitence of the publican who dared not raise his eyes to heaven

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