Discover prayers for different topics, themes, events, occasions and days of the month. These are for reference and use in planning services and events.
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Mothering Sunday, 30 March.
Read moreCreator God,
You created each person in your image,
all have value and deserve to live in a world free of discrimination.
Loving God, holy and immortal,
on this Holocaust Memorial Day
forgive us whenever we are slow to acknowledge rising hatred against the other
and fail to act to protect the vulnerable, leading to catastrophe.
God of Love,
We are thankful for the work that has been done to secure a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas and pray that it may be implemented and lead to a lasting peace in the region.
Read moreGod of goodness and grace,
We thank you for Warm Welcome and all those spaces that open their doors to people in the community.
Almighty God,
accept our praise and thanksgiving for what already unites Christians
in the confession of and witness to Jesus the Lord.
God of justice and compassion
We long for a world in which all are free;
Where no-one is trafficked, enslaved and controlled.
We long to see your justice prevail, and for the crime of human trafficking to be eradicated.
Holy God
During this Disability History Month
we long for greater understanding of all disabled people, in every country,
and for true inclusion of disabled people in all aspects of life.
Eternal God,
This Transgender Day of Remembrance we remember all our siblings who are no longer with us, because they were unable to face the prejudice, hate, uncertainty and dysphoria that they were experiencing.
Read moreIn your humanity, incarnate God, you walked this earth,
Promised through the prophets as the wonderful counselor, the prince of peace.
Gracious God,
Your Son Jesus has called us to be his friends and in friendship to love one another.
We pray that we might recognise and grasp all opportunities to grow closer to one another in your name.