
Discover prayers for different topics, themes, events, occasions and days of the month. These are for reference and use in planning services and events.

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Praying neon hands.

A prayer for today

Read prayers for today, as written by Methodists from across the world.

We pray for all the victims of the horrifying incident in Southport yesterday. We pray for the families of those who have been killed - we pray that they will feel God close to them in their grief.

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Our Father in Heaven,
Thank-you that everyone of us has a value and dignity that comes directly from Your creation, in Your own image and likeness.

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God Who calls us to action in your glorious world,
We are in awe of your gracious power to provide
For us in moments of despair, you provided
For us and our generations, people like Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela;

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