A Prayer for Black History Month (2024)

God of justice and righteousness, in whom is the home and hope of all nations, all people

We uphold before you the history and heritage of black people, made in your image as are all people.

We light a candle before you in remembrance of all black people who have been and are denied their humanity just because of the colour of their skin.

We hold before you the hurt of black people.

We light a candle before you in thanks giving for all black people who have stood up to and resisted racist structures, attitudes and actions.

We hold before you the hopes of black people.

We light a candle before you in celebration of all black people like Mary Secole, Martin Luther King, and Sybil Phoenix who have set up and lit up pathways of freedom and justice for all to walk, to bring us where you want us to be.

We hold before you all the heroes of black people.

We light before you a candle for us all that we all be symbol of your light and life and love in our time and place.

We hold ourselves before you that we may be delivered from our distress and find our strength in you.

In the Name of Christ.


Inderjit Bhogal
Former President of the British Methodist Conference

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