A prayer of thanks that God is our faithful shepherd

I’m looking at the sheep God. Are you really a shepherd?
I can’t see the shepherd. Is the shepherd really there?
The sheep seem to be happy, content.
They don’t seem to be lacking at all. But I can’t see the shepherd.
Some are lying down, but most are standing up, but they seem happy.
They are safe, they are fed, they are free from danger, but I can’t see the shepherd.
Even though I can’t see the shepherd, they must be there.
Feeding the sheep, caring for them, looking after them.
Does the shepherd spend much time with the sheep? I don’t know.
What about me God? Are you there? I can’t see you at the moment. Are you there?
I’m fed, I’m watered. I have plenty to eat, but are you there?
I can’t see you.
You must be there. If you weren’t there, what difference would it make?
Would I be fed? Would I be warm? Would I be safe? Probably not.
You are there, God. Just because I can’t see you doesn’t mean you are not there.
Thank you for being my shepherd.

Luke Smith, Lincolnshire District

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