Prayer for the marginalised

O God we come to you
God of the displaced, who created space for all,
God of the refugee, who carved a place for all,
God of the poverty-stricken strangled by the cost of living,
God of the marginalised and the ignored,
You are God of the moon and the sun,
the stars and all of creation.
We come to you.

When our world loses meaning, O God we come to you.
When our faith becomes institutionalised and we lose our direction, O God we come to you.
When our service through the Church is repetitive and draining, O God we come to depend on you.
When our hope is stifled by our fear of the world’s wars and greed, O God we come and we trust you.
When our vision becomes blurred by the tears of pain, anxiety, lack and loss, Lord God we come to you.
Turn our eyes to see in your ways.
Open our ears to hear your understanding of life.
Breathe your hopefulness into our hearts, so that our hands and feet and heads may think and act only for you, as you help us to come to you. Amen.

Jongikaya Zihle, District Chair, London District

An additional prayer for Covenant Sunday
We are yours, O God