
Book corrections

The production of a hymn book, especially for one as ambitious in scope as Singing the Faith, is a complex process. For example, one result of the exciting diversity of the book’s contents is that copyright permissions have to be collected from a wide range of copyright holders (companies and individuals) living all over the world. This information does change. The corrections we continue to make help to keep the copyright information up-to-date. (See Copyright matters for further information.)

Inevitably, errors relating to copyright, but also to words and music, have crept into the book publication. As new impressions of the book are printed, corrections will be incorporated. We are also glad to make these available to you on this site – the kind of response that has not been possible with previous hymnbooks.

In October 2015, we produced a revised list of corrections. These have been listed under three categories: music, words (including cross-references), and copyright changes. Of these corrections, those made to the music are most likely to affect performance in worship, as will a handful of the word changes. All the corrections listed have been incorporated into the Singing the Faith organ edition.

The files are available as Word documents and as PDF files.

Word document versions

Music (rev. 22-10-15)
Words and reference (rev. 22-10-15)
Copyright (Sept 2012)

PDF versions

Music (rev.22-10-15)
Words and reference (rev. 22-10-15)
Copyright (Sept 2012)