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- Opening liturgies (PDF)
- Opening liturgies (PowerPoint)
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Lent 1: Soul Food
Sunday 9 March 2025
Give us this day our daily bread to feed our soul.
We don’t need distractions of a glitzy package,
a brown paper bag does just fine.
Give us this day our daily bread to feed our soul.
To nourish our minds and warm our hearts,
to enrich our faith, our belief, our life…
Give us this day our daily bread to feed our soul.
Let us never forget you are our God,
the giver of love and joy and hope.
O Lord our God, on this Lenten journey,
feed our souls this day we pray. Amen.
Lent 2: Soul Shelter
Sunday 16 March 2025
Give us this day our daily bread to shelter our soul.
As bricks and mortar give our bodies shelter,
shelter our being, our souls, with your spirit.
Give us this day our daily bread to shelter our soul.
As houses protect and keep safe our physical being,
hold us in the shelter and safety of your Word.
Give us this day our daily bread to shelter our soul.
As an umbrella holds back the rain and the storms,
so Lord be our umbrella, our tent, our shelter in life’s uncertain times.
O Lord our God, on this Lenten journey,
shelter us in the struggling world’s uncertainties. Amen.
Lent 3: Soul Rest
Sunday 23 March 2025
Give us this day our daily bread to give our soul rest.
In a fast-paced world that seems never to rest or sleep,
in an internet world of immediate response…
Give us this day our daily bread to give our soul rest.
Let us find that calm centre, that stillness and rest,
that moment of comfort, refreshment and peace…
Give us this day our daily bread to give our soul rest.
To find meaning and purpose, to see the way forward,
with you as our pillow in the moment of tiredness.
O Lord our God, on this Lenten journey,
let us rest in the knowledge of your peace and your calm. Amen.
Lent 4: Soul Repair
Sunday 30 March 2025
Give us this day our daily bread to repair our soul.
We have broken bits and worn out bits and missing bits;
bits that make us much less whole…
Give us this day our daily bread to repair our soul.
Life challenges, damages, hurts and scars us,
body, mind and spirit all…
Give us this day our daily bread to repair our soul.
Be our balm, the loving thread that gently tends our wounds,
the thread and patch that makes us whole.
O Lord our God, on this Lenten journey,
repair our broken fragile bits. Amen.
Lent 5: Soul Mates
Sunday 6 April 2025
Give us this day our daily bread to cement our friendship…
That we may feel loved, wanted, needed, cared for,
that we may offer love and care where it is needed.
Give us this day our daily bread to cement our friendship…
That we may live companionably with you our soul friend,
that we may live companionably with our friends and neighbours.
Give us this day our daily bread to cement our friendship…
That together with you we can be love and hope for others,
that together we are there for each other.
O Lord our God, on this Lenten journey,
be our friend, let us be friends and let us be be-friended, we pray. Amen.
Palm Sunday: Soul Songs
Sunday 13 April 2025
Give us this day our daily bread that lets our hearts sing…
That we can express our loves, our likes, our hates, our fears,
the depths of our joys, our sorrows, our hopes, our dreams.
Give us this day our daily bread that lets our hearts sing…
That we can live and be ourselves knowing you hear our songs,
that we can sing out our hearts desire.
Give us this day our daily bread that lets our hearts sing…
As you know the songs of our souls, the depths of our being,
may those others who hear them through us see you.
O Lord our God, on this Lenten journey,
let us sing and shout and proclaim your way, your Word. Amen.
Good Friday: Soul Support
Friday 18 April 2025
Remove everything from the Lenten cross.
Give us this day our daily bread to face the sorrows of our soul…
To face the pain, the anguish, the agony,
the injustice, the violence of the world around us.
Give us this day our daily bread to face the sorrows of our soul…
To face the love and the hate, that bring tears to our eyes,
to face the confusions that leave empty hollowness.
Give us this day our daily bread to face the sorrows of our soul…
To hold fast to our faith in a world that tries to strip us of worth and value,
to live with our faith, our belief despite all around us.
O Lord our God, on this Lenten journey,
let us face our sorrow, feel our sorrow and trust your Word. Amen.
Easter Sunday: Soul Stories
Sunday 20 April 2025
Return every object from Lent to the cross.
Alleluia, Alleluia! is our story and our song
Give us this day our daily bread that our cup overflows with enough to share…
That our souls proclaim the greatness of the Lord,
that our souls overflow with a story to tell.
Give us this day our daily bread that our cup overflows with enough to share…
With words and gifts and smiles and songs,
with Hallelujahs echoing from our souls.
Give us this day our daily bread that our cup overflows with enough to share…
That we may sit and stand and walk as stories are shared and truths revealed,
that we may listen and hear and speak and sing and shout.
O Lord our God, our Lenten journey has ended,
our Easter journey begun.
Nourished by our journey, let us share and tell your living, loving stories, we pray.
Alleluia, Alleluia for Christ is risen, Alleluia!