Disability Awareness Week 2024 runs from 16-22 September, with Disability Awareness Sunday on 22 September.
Through the Roof is a Christian disability charity who have produced a Disability Awareness Sunday service free to download.
The Methodist Church is committed to becoming a truly inclusive Church were all are welcome and can participate in the full life of the Church. The support of people living with disability has been one of the central pillars of our diversity and inclusion approached and is integrated within our diversity strategy, ‘Justice, Dignity and Solidarity’.
A key component of the strategy was the forming of the ‘Living with Disabilities’ solidarity circle, made up exclusively of Methodist people with lived experience of living with disability. The group informs policy and practice within the Church. The Church has had a longstanding commitment to make our buildings and all its activities welcoming and accessible to all. You can read more about the strategy for Justice, Dignity and Solidarity: Strategy for Justice, Dignity and Solidarity - Methodist Church
If you want to know more or get in touch with our ‘Living with Disabilities’ Solidarity Circle, check this page.
You can also check the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Learning resources on Disability and Health here for more videos, suggested readings and suggestions.
The Property team also has many useful tips on how to make your building more accessible and a suggested Accessibility Pathway here.

Through the Roof is a Christian disability charity.
They have a lot of resources on their website, notably a Disability Awareness Sunday service free to download.
You can also check their video Journey with Jesus, the story of disabled minister Revd Andrew Miles.