
This section contains links to lots of resources for further individual learning about a wide range of topics.  All of them have been recommended to the Methodist Church by people with experience in the relevant field.  Not all of these external resources will always share a Methodist ethos or theology.  However, that does not mean we cannot learn more about equality, diversity and inclusion issues from reading these resources, and then apply that learning within church life, to better ensure justice, dignity and solidarity within our fellowship.

This video from the Learning Network gives guidance on Critical Thinking and how we can help ourselves to learn, even when we are considering resources that contain things that make us uncomfortable, or with which we disagree theologically: https://youtu.be/pBYp8Ke8YmU

If you find anything in these resources that you consider inappropriate, please reflect on what learning you can take from the resource and why other Methodists might have recommended it.  Please also contact Equality&diversity@methodistchurch.org.uk to report the resource so it can be reviewed and removed from this list if necessary.

Access Arrangements

Accessible buildings: How making your building accessible can transform your outreach | Accessibility - YouTube

Video resource published by the Methodist Church, featuring the coordinator of the Living with Disability Solidarity Circle, Revd Mo Onyett

Equal Access to Church Buildings:
Equal_Access_to_Church_Buildings.pdf (churchofengland.org)

Guidance from the Church of England on making a church building accessible

Designing for Accessibility: Dos and don'ts on designing for accessibility - Accessibility in government (blog.gov.uk) Government guidance on designing accessible digital material, with downloadable guidance posters

UKAAF: Standards - UK Association for Accessible formats (ukaaf.org) UK Association for Accessible Formats guidance on making documents accessible for those who are blind or partially sighted.

Autism & Neurodiversity

ADDitude: ADDitude - ADD & ADHD Symptom Tests, Signs, Treatment, Support (additudemag.com) Personal help and resources for those with ADHD

ADHD Aware: ADHD Aware - Support for Adult ADD, ADHD - ADHD Aware Charity A small charity who support adults impacted by ADHD

ADHD Awareness Month: ADHDAwarenessMonth 2022 – Understanding a Shared Experience Aim to raise awareness, provide education and bust myths surrounding ADHD

ADHD Foundation: Home - ADHD Foundation : ADHD Foundation Neurodiversity charity providing integrated health and education services

ADHD Uncensored: ADHD uncensored: The realities of living with ADHD (methodist.org.uk) Blog on the realities of living with ADHD from Methodist Youth President James Carver

Autism & Gender Diversity: Largest study to date confirms overlap between autism and gender diversity | Spectrum | Autism Research News (spectrumnews.org) Report on a study into the intersection of autism with gender diversity

Autism & Gender Diversity: 2021_DEdChPsy_Milne.pdf (uel.ac.uk) Study into the intersection of autism with gender diversity

Autistic SPACE: Autistic SPACE: a novel framework for meeting the needs of autistic people in healthcare settings | British Journal of Hospital Medicine (magonlinelibrary.com)

A framework for meeting the needs of autistic people in healthcare settings, though applicable in other contexts

Ann’s Autism Blog: Ann's Autism Blog (annsautism.blogspot.com) Blog by autistic autism expert Ann Memmott

Genius Within: Passionate about Neurodiversity - Genius Within Neurodivergent-led business who support organisations, businesses and individuals to work at their best.

How to ADHD: How to ADHD - YouTube YouTube channel with videos to support people living with ADHD

How to welcome neurodivergent people in church: How to welcome neurodiverse people into your church | James Carver - YouTube

Video resource published by the Methodist Church, featuring the former Youth President, James Carver

Included by Grace: includedbygrace | Supporting churches to include people with Autism and Learning Disabilties (wordpress.com) Blog to support churches to include people with autism and learning disabilities

Inclusion, Identity and Belonging: Krysia Waldock BA (Hons), MA, AFHEA; PhD Candidate (krysiawally.blogspot.com) Blog by autism researcher Krysia Waldock

LinkedIn Learning and neurodiversity: Learning and neurodiversity (linkedin.com) Online training package on supporting accessibility for neurodiversity.  Focused on the workplace but the principles can be applied in other contexts.

National Autistic Society: National Autistic Society (autism.org.uk) UK’s leading charity for people on the autism spectrum and their families

Planning Across The Spectrum: https://planningacrossthespectrum.com/neurodiversity-facts-financial-planning/ Information on neurodiversity from a neurodiversity and disability financial planning service

Respecting Neurodiversity: Respecting Neurodiversity in the Church - The Disability and Faith Forum Blogpost on respecting neurodiversity in the church on the Disability and Faith forum.

Supporting autistic individuals in our churches: ResqueStick UK V12 16x9 VO1 (youtube.com) A video from Through the Roof with Triona Brading, sharing advice on supporting autistic individuals in churches.

The Brain Charity: The Brain CharityA charity who provide free practical help, emotional support and social activities for anyone with a neurological condition in the UK, their families, friends and carers.

Unmasked: Unmasked | Community For Busy Brains | Neurodivergent Blogs, Resources & Events (weareunmasked.com)A community to share guidance and resources for those who are late-diagnosed with a neurodivergent condition.

Chronic Illness

Action for M.E support: www.afme.org.uk A free online resource about myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME). 

Alzheimer’s Society: Alzheimer's Society (alzheimers.org.uk) A charity providing support services to those living with dementia and funding dementia research.

Campaigner for those with Chronic Illness: About Me | Tanya Marlow - Thorns and Gold

Tanya Marlow, author and broadcaster on faith and spirituality and campaigner for those with chronic illness and disability

Chronic Illness blog: Stephanie Tait Writes — Stephanie Tait Blog by Stephanie Tait on the intersection of Faith and Pain

Dementia information: https://www.alzheimersresearchuk.org/dementia-information/ Dementia information from Alzheimer’s Research UK

Dementia friendly church: www.dementiafriendlychurch.org.uk/ Equipping churches and leaders to make worship and buildings accessible to people with dementia.

Dementia friendly churches resource pack: Dementia friendly churches | MWiB A pack of spiritual and practical resources to help us make our churches more friendly to people with dementia and their carers.  Produced by Methodist Women in Britain and MHA.

Endometriosis UK: Ending endometriosis starts by saying it | Endometriosis UK (endometriosis-uk.org) Information on endometriosis

What is Endometriosis: What Is Endometriosis? - YouTube Video providing information on Endometriosis

Fibromyalgia: What is Fibromyalgia? - Symptoms & Treatment | NIAMS (nih.gov) Information on fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia UK patient booklet: FMA UK - Patient Booklet Information booklet from Fibromyalgia UK

MND Association: www.mndassociation.org/ Providing help and support for people who have Motor Neurone Disease, as well as their friends and families. 

Multiple Sclerosis Societywww.mssociety.org.uk Information, research, news and support from Multiple Sclerosis Society UK.

Parkinson's UKwww.parkinsons.org.uk Local teams across the UK focus on working with the whole Parkinson's community to get the right services and support.

Versus Arthritis: www.versusarthritis.org Information about arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions


British Dyslexia Associationwww.bdadyslexia.org.uk The British Dyslexia Association (BDA) is a membership organisation working to "achieve a dyslexia-friendly society for all".

The Dyslexia Association: www.dyslexia.uk.net The Dyslexia Association provide support and services for dyslexic children and adults, their families, educators, employers and the wider community

Hearing Impairment

Deaf awareness training: throughtheroof.org/2022/10/24/deaf-awareness-video/ Training on communicating with someone who is deaf, from www.throughtheroof.org, a charity aimed at transforming lives through Jesus with disabled people

How to listen with your whole body: Evelyn Glennie, TED Speech, How to listen to music with your whole body, pt 1/3 - YouTube Talk on how to listen to music using your whole body, not just your ear drums

Revd Neil Robinson: Rev Neil's Story - YouTube Deaf awareness trainer Revd Neil Robinson, who is deaf and has cerebral palsy, shares his story of becoming a priest in the Church of England

Hidden Disabilities

The Sunflower: The Sunflower is for people with non-visible disabilities (hiddendisabilitiesstore.com) The use of the Sunflower symbol to make non-visible disabilities visible

Mental health

BBC Headroom: BBC - Headroom - Your Mental Health Toolkit Mental health toolkit from the BBC.

Is Psychiatry Working?: Is Psychiatry Working? - Anxiety - BBC Sounds A podcast on why we have anxiety and how we can control it.

Mental Health Awareness Week: Mental Health Awareness Week 2023 | Mental Health Foundation An opportunity to think about mental health, tackle stigma and find out how we can create a society that prevents mental health problems from developing.

Mental Health Foundation: Mental Health Foundation | Good mental health for all UK’s leading charity for mental health, driving change towards a mentally healthy society for all.

Mental health interview: Evangelism & Growth Interview with Peter Sawkins, GBBO Winner 2020 - YouTube Interview by Evangelism & Growth team with Peter Sawkins

Mind: Home - Mind A charity providing advice and support to anyone experiencing a mental health problem.

NHS Mental health: Mental health - NHS (www.nhs.uk) Information and support for mental health from the NHS.

Small Group Mental Health Study Guide: Mental Health (inclusive-church.org) Resources for small groups to study Mental Health, from the Inclusive Church

Stroke and Head Injury

Headway: www.headway.org.uk National organisation for people with a head injury

The Stroke Association: www.stroke.org.uk Provides specialist support, funds critical research and campaigns to make sure people affected by stroke get the very best care and support to rebuild their lives. 

Visual Impairment

How to welcome people with visual impairment in church: How to welcome people with sight loss into your Church | Accessibility - YouTube

Video resource published by the Methodist Church, featuring the Superintendent of the Harrow & Hillingdon circuit, Revd Dr Lynita Conradia

Royal National Institute for the Blind (RNIB)www.rnib.org.uk One of the UK’s leading sight loss charities and the largest community of blind and partially sighted people.

Torch Trust: Torch Trust | Home A trust that aims to enable blind and partially sighted people to encounter Jesus, grow in their Christian faith and thrive in Christian community

General learning resources on Health & Disability

A Healing Homiletic: A Healing Homiletic by Kathy Black | Waterstones Book by Kathy Black on preaching and disability

Ask Jan: A to Z of Disabilities and Accommodations (askjan.org) Website for workplace accommodations.  From the US but carries information which could be translated into a church context.

At the Gates: At the Gates: Disability, Justice and the Churches – Naomi Lawson Jacobs Book by Naomi Lawson Jacobs and Emily Richardson based on a decade of research into disabled people’s experience of churches

Baptists Together Disability Justice Hub: The Baptist Union of Great Britain : Disability justice Article in the Baptist Times on the work of the Disability Justice Hub

Calling from the Edge: Calling from the Edge: Disability asks us questions that only more questions can answer by Fiona MacMillan and Samuel Wells (plough.com) Article on the theological questions posed by disability by Fiona MacMillan, disability advocate, and Samuel Wells, professor of Christian Ethics

Can we be friends: The Baptist Union of Great Britain : Can we be friends? Article in the Baptist Times on the factors that play a part in how we exclude or include disabled people

Churches for all: Churches for All | Enabling churches where disabled people belong The UK network of Christian disability-engaged organisations

Creative ideas for worship with all abilities: Creative Ideas For Worship With All Abilities In association with L'Arche by Hazel Bradley, Jim Cargin - Paperback / softback - 9781786221193 (hymnsam.co.uk) Book that draws on the experience of the L'Arche community to offer practical guidance and ideas for imaginative worship that engages people with learning and other disabilities.

Disability at Eden.co.uk: disability - Eden.co.uk A range of books on Disability

Does Everyone Belong in God’s All: https://www.methodist.org.uk/about-us/news/the-connexion-magazine/does-everyone-belong-in-gods-all/ A useful and interesting article from Connexion magazine

Does this cross have disabled access?: Does This Cross Have Disabled Access?: Re-thinking Theologies of Atonement and Disability: Amazon.co.uk: McLachlan, David: 9798557809351: Books Book by David McLachlan.  Re-thinking theologies of atonement and disability

Does this cross have disabled access? Whitley Lecture: Whitley Lecture 2021 on Vimeo Lecture and response on the theme of re-thinking theologies of atonement and disability

Small Group Disability Study Guide: Microsoft Word - Disability (inclusive-church.org) Resources for small groups to study Disability, from the Inclusive Church

Fearfully and wonderfully made: Fearfully and wonderfully made - YouTube Webinar on disability and impairment

HeartEdge: HeartEdge - Catalysing Kingdom Communities International, ecumenical movement galvanising churches to be at the heart of their communities, while being with those on the edge

Job Interview Gone Wrong: Job Interview Gone Wrong | What Not To Do - YouTube Hidden camera video with Alex Brooker on ‘What not to do’ that exposes how awkward people are around disability

Leonard Cheshirewww.leonardcheshire.org Supporting disabled people to live, learn and work as independently as they choose - whatever their ability

LinkedIn Learning supporting accessibility in the workplace: Inclusive workplace basics (linkedin.com) Online training package on supporting accessibility.  Focused on the workplace but the principles can be applied in other contexts.

Listening Even Unto Rebuke: View of Listening Even Unto Rebuke | Canadian Journal of Theology, Mental Health and Disability (utoronto.ca) Research into the lives and experiences of disabled people in Christian communities

Maybe it isn’t the disabled people who need healing: The Baptist Union of Great Britain : Not disabled people who need healing? A modern day parable from the Baptist Times

My body is not a prayer request: My Body Is Not a Prayer Request: Disability Justice in the Church: Free Delivery at Eden.co.uk Book by Amy Kenny on Disability Justice in the Church

Naomi Lawson Jacobs: http://naomilawsonjacobs.com/ Disability research, training and consultancy

Pam Webster webinar: Pams Complete Video Final - YouTube Webinar on living with disability

Pam’s Perambulation: disability | Pam's Perambulation (pamsperambulation.com) Blog by Pam Webster, covering disability and faith

Portholme Church: Inclusivity at the heart of Portholme Church (methodist.org.uk)

Blogpost on how one church is putting accessibility at the heart of what they do

Queen Elizabeth
s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF): https://qef.org.uk/ Queen Elizabeth’s Foundation for Disabled People (QEF) is a national disability charity providing innovative services that support disabled people to increase their independence and live the life they choose

Radical Welcome course: Radical Welcome Course – Inclusive Church (inclusive-church.org) A four session programme from Inclusive Church aimed at helping churches become a place where welcome is taken seriously

Scopewww.scope.org.uk The disability equality charity in England and Wales. It provides practical information and emotional support, and campaigns to create a fairer society

Scope’s End the Awkward: Scope says H.I.D.E. - Scope's End the Awkward 2016 - YouTube TV advert for Scope’s ‘End the Awkward’ campaign

Scope’s What not to do: What Not To Do... At The Hairdressers - Scope - YouTube Video as part of Scope’s ‘End the Awkward’ campaign

Shut In, Shut Out, Shut Up: Shut In, Shut Out, Shut Up: 3.3 Ableism, Faith & Church - YouTube Webinar from HeartEdge on ableism, faith and church

Something Worth Sharing: Something Worth Sharing WEB.pdf (inclusive-church.org) Booklet on disability & church from St Martin-in-the-Fields and Inclusive Church

Spirit and the Politics of Disablement: Spirit and the Politics of Disablement by Sharon V. Betcher | Waterstones Book by Sharon Betcher that analyses God’s presence in our world in the light of the insights afforded by living with disability

Talk: Talk DVD - YouTube A video produced by the Disability Rights Commission, portraying a society in which non-disabled people are a pitied minority and disabled people live full and active lives

Testimony of a parent of a child with multiple disabilities:
Quotes from a parent of a child with severe autism and multiple disabilities

The Bible and Disability: The Bible and Disability: A Commentary (collegeofpreachers.co.uk) A Bible commentary from a disability perspective

The Full Affirmation of Disability Justice: The Full Affirmation of Disability Justice | Sojourners Commentary on disability justice

Those who wait: Those Who Wait : Tanya Marlow : 9781910786864 : Blackwell's (blackwells.co.uk) Book by Tanya Marlow.  Finding God in Disappointment. Doubt and Delay

Through the Roof: Home - Through the Roof Charity that seeks to transform lives through Jesus with disabled people.

What’s wrong with you?: “What’s wrong with you?” – Theology Everywhere Theology everywhere article by Rachael Lowe

Why is language so important in disability and neurodiversity: https://prospect.org.uk/article/why-is-language-important-in-disability-and-neurodiversity/ 
Article on how language can reinforce or challenge stereotypes

Worship and Disability: A Kingdom for all: https://grovebooks.co.uk/products/w-235-worship-and-disability-a-kingdom-for-all Booklet on how to make conscious plans to be inclusive to those with disabilities

YouBelong Disability Awareness Day: YouBelong Disability Awareness Day 2023 - YouTube

An online community for people living with disability and chronic illness share what the church could do to be more accessible.

Health & Disability: Suggested Reading

In the Beginning there was Darkness: In the Beginning There Was Darkness A Blind Person's Conversations with the Bible by John Hull, John M. Hull - Paperback - 9780334028215 (hymnsam.co.uk) Book by John Hull.  A blind person’s conversations with the Bible

On the Spectrum: On the Spectrum by Daniel Jr. Bowman | Waterstones Award-winning book on Autism, Faith and the Gifts of Neurodiversity

Radical Welcome: Free delivery worldwide on all books from Book Depository Book by Stephanie Spellers on Embracing God, the Other, and the Spirit of Transformation

The Disabled God: The Disabled God : Nancy L. Eiesland : 9780687108015 : Blackwell's (blackwells.co.uk) Book by Nancy Eisland on a Liberatory Theology of Disability

The Tactile Heart: The Tactile Heart by John M. Hull | Waterstones Book by John Hull.  Blindness and Faith

The View from Rock Bottom: The View From Rock Bottom — Stephanie Tait (stephanietaitwrites.com) Book by Stephanie Tait on discovering God’s embrace while living with chronic pain

Unmasked:The Ultimate Guide to ADHD, Autism and Neurodivergence: Middleton, Ellie: 9780241651988: Books Book by Ellie Middleton to share understanding of ADHD, Autism and Neurodivergence.

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