
JMA Commissioning Service 2024/2025

What is the JMA Commissioning Service? 
The JMA Commissioning Service provides an opportunity to acknowledge the particular contribution of JMA groups and for wider reflection on how we share in God’s mission for the sake of the world.

The service usually takes place during an act of worship. Certificates and badges can be presented or sent to JMA collectors, while also acknowledging the work of the JMA secretary and celebrating the work that all their fundraising enables.

Certificates, service and prayer cards can be downloaded below, including large print versions. JMA resources are also available to order from Methodist Publishing. All items are free.

JMA Commissioning Service 2024 - Suggested Bible reading
“He has told you, O mortal, what is good,
and what does the Lord require of you
but to do justice and to love kindness
and to walk humbly with your God?…”

Micah 6:8 (New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition)

JMA Commissioning Service 2024 - Suggested hymns and worship songs
Singing the Faith (StF)
407 StF Hear the call of the Kingdom
476 StF One more step along the world I go
536 StF He’s got the whole world in his hands
693 StF Beauty for brokenness
706 StF Longing for light
707 StF Make me a channel of your peace

See also Singing the Faith Plus and Special Sundays.

JMA Commissioning Service 2024 - Suggested prayers 
Download your prayers

Theme for the JMA Commissioning Service for 2024/2025
The theme for 2024/2025 is ‘Praise and Protest’ inspired by the Methodist Prayer Handbook 2024/2025: Praise and Protest.

We want to help children and young people be passionate about global issues. The JMA Commissioning Service online content hopes to empower young people to champion global mission. The JMA resources help young people engage and express their ideas, thoughts and opinions on global issues, and teach them about the work of the Methodist Church in Britain and Methodist Church in Ireland.

You can find helpful worship song suggestions, prayers and Bible readings for your Commissioning Service on the theme ‘Praise and Protest’ on this page. 

The suggested worship songs, prayers and Bible readings encourage us to ‘Praise and Protest’ as we live this out as part of ‘challenging injustice’. A Methodist Way of Life commitment for challenge. 

Extra resources:

Sign language is used by many deaf people to communicate. It’s a rich combination of hand gestures, facial expressions and body language.

Try out some greetings in sign language with your friends. Could you greet deaf visitors to your church or JMA group using sign language? It’s bound to make them feel special that you’ve taken the time to learn BSL and speak in their language!

Why not get your group to try and say the Lord’s Prayer in sign language:

Video courtesy of Heathcote Parish Church, Warwick.

- BSL A to Z alphabet (right-handed)
- BSL A to Z alphabet (left-handed)
- BSL general greetings

BSL charts courtesy of British Sign Language


See the Methodist Church copyright guidance page for information on live streaming and what you need to take into account..

The Church of England has produced a comprehensive guide to livestreaming.

*Scripture quotations are from New Revised Standard Version Bible: Anglicised Edition, copyright © 1989, 1995 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. http://nrsvbibles.org