
How do we build a culture of discipleship?

The Methodist Church can’t exist without disciples. That’s why discipleship is at the heart of the Calling of the Methodist Church.

While we can all play a part in encouraging each other in our discipleship, church leaders have a particular responsibility.

In order to engage others with discipleship, leaders will want to examine what it means

How to help people journey | A Methodist Way of Life

Resources to change culture

Pick and choose the right resources that help your community to share their stories and build confidence in their faith. Which are the right ones for your context?

We run events and webinars throughout the year for individuals and church leaders to explore what this means for them, including "Rural and Rooted", a series for rural churches.

You may like to consider these case studies of how to be intentional about discipleship in mission, worship, learning and caring, and evangelism.

“Folk are still very coy to be vulnerable and speak out about how they feel about certain stations. Sometimes I feel like everyone is holding onto a BIG secret.” 

Activity: Conversations Against Mundanity is a game for sparking conversations about faith and life.

It’s a way of ‘getting real and vulnerable’, and sharing thoughts, questions and doubts with others. Use the cards in a service or meeting to encourage people to share their thoughts together; or play the game in a small group to encourage community building.

You can order a pack from Methodist Publishing here