Prayer: difficult, boring and frustrating
Prayer: creative, life-giving and transformational
Where do you sit?
Prayer is an opportunity to encounter God. It can involve words spoken in a group, art we hang on our walls, or a stroll in the park.

The new Methodist prayer cards offer 52 different prompts for creative prayer; different ways that we can fulfil the Methodist Way of Life commitment to "pray daily" as far as we are able, with God's help.
The cards can be used by individuals or groups, at church events onsite & online, in homes, schools & care homes.
“The teenagers liked them - thought the illustrations were cute/cool and it prompted some good discussion”
“Easy to use with children, and the kids love the fun design; and I have found them to be a great resource to use with adults”
"We are a small RAF congregation. To help members of the church (especially those not used to saying much in worship) to share in our ‘prayers for others’, I gave out cards... This has given them confidence to do more in worship now."
Buy your pack from Methodist Publishing now. Alternatively, download a PowerPoint or Pdf version to use in digital meetings and church services.
How are people using the cards?
🙏 “I used the ones on nature during my daily walks”
🙏 “After dinner at the table together”
🙏 “As the focus of a prayer station, at the on-line Circuit Day of Prayer… I got the following comments: ‘Love the focus and simplicity of the cards’; ‘Wonderful, keeping me focused’”
🙏 “I found the cards very effective for reflective praying”
🙏 “I used them at home when preparing virtual services. I found them very helpful in creating ideas for engaging virtual congregations in prayers and reflections”