
Easter Offering

Education for All, Hope for All

This Easter Offering 2025 service focuses on every person’s right to education. Stories tell of people who are committed to changing lives through education.

Education for All, Hope for All offers churches, circuits and districts a moment to consider how education transforms lives and communities, opening God’s promise of hope and fullness of life for all people.

It includes the dedication of the Easter Offering donated to the World Mission Fund of the Methodist Church in Britain, working with over 100 Partner Churches and organisations around the world.

The fastest way to order your printed Education for All resources, including your collection envelopes, is via the Methodist Publishing website. If you are unable to order the resources online, you can use this order form instead.

The following service materials are now available to download:

Leaders' Notes

Order of Service

Colouring-in Sheet


PowerPoint Presentation

About Easter Offering

Each year, the Methodist Church holds an Easter Offering dedication service. This tradition dates back to 1883, when women in Manchester collected £32 for missionary work overseas from 'Christmas pennies' at family gatherings on Christmas Day. In March 1884, the London Districts distributed Easter envelopes and collecting bags asking for a penny a head, and collected around £100. In 1900, Women’s Work raised £1,655 for the work of overseas missions.

Since then, each successive Methodist women’s movement has encouraged donations in support of God’s mission. Recently, Methodist Women in Britain (supported by the Global Relationships team) have produced an annual service of dedication, often used widely around the Connexion as a circuit service.

All the money raised through the Easter Offering goes to the World Mission Fund of the Methodist Church in Great Britain for work in our Partner Churches around the world.

In 2023, collections from Easter Offering services raised over £190,000, thanks to the generosity of Methodists.

We thank Methodist Women in Britain for running this appeal, and you for making a difference by contributing to God’s mission in this way.

For information about Methodist Women in Britain, please write to MWiB, c/o Stamford Methodist Church,11 Barn Hill, Stamford, Lincs  PE9 2AE or visit mwib.org.uk.