Approaching Easter – suggestions from StF

Festivals and Seasons:
Festivals and Seasons:
Holy Week
Worship Resources:
Lent and Easter

Resources for the second part of Lent and Holy Week.


Christ is alive! Christians will sing and Hymns of Resurrection - two overviews of hymns in Singing the Faith and on this website that will help guide you towards Easter and beyond. 

Also see our introduction to the readings and hymns for Holy Week.

Two recent hymns

This week is Anne J. Sardeson’s strongly rhythmic, unaccompanied hymn that begins on Palm Sunday and ends with a cursed fig tree and a seed in the ground. She writes: “Strange are the ways that God’s presence is shown”. In Making a hymn – how to go about it, Anne explains the process that helped her to write this hymn.

A new day dawns – an Easter hymn, Andy Murphy and Matt Allen’s 2018 hymn, offers fresh imagery for speaking about Easter and resurrection. Two events, Christ’s resurrection and the creation of the world, are explicitly connected.

Good Friday

Singing the Good Friday story

Hymns to help mark the day of crucifixion

Holy Saturday

Avoiding Holy Saturday

In the face of the bleakness we often experience in the world around us, the inhumanity that screams daily from our newspapers, and the injustice that we seem powerless to prevent, theologian Alan Lewis asks “Is God uninterested, absent or dead?” or is there another possibility? See also lectionary suggestions for this day.

Beyond Easter

Hymns of Resurrection is a good starting point. And, for the week following Easter, StF's quest for hymns about St Thomas - No hymn for Thomas? - and Heather Gallagher's hymn Like Thomas (Life is hard sometimes). See also our lectionary suggestions for what is sometimes called "Low Sunday" - 11 April.

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