Climate and Creation
The Methodist Church in Britain has a strong tradition of supporting discipleship though worship and preaching. The Statement of Methodist Conference “Hope in God’s Future” provides the Methodist Church with an excellent theological basis for encouraging discipleship in the context of climate change. The full report has been published with an accompanying study guide. Downloadable here as a PDF or in hard copy form from Methodist Publishing.
Climate and Creation resources now included on Singing the Faith Plus are designed to help worship planners and music leaders create worship that both inspires and challenges congregations to think about the subject in faith terms. Our resources offer a focus on hymns in Singing the Faith and this website. However, they also extend to a wealth of practical resources and theological materials produced by partner organisations, which underpin our ecological thinking and will support preachers, small groups, and congregations that wish to pursue the subject further.

In addition, Roots Magazine materials support preachers on a periodic basis with reflection and material on climate change.
In 2015 the magazine Preach also produced an issue focusing on the environment: Preaching for the Planet (Preach, Spring 2015). Though printed back copies of Preach are not available, you can access digital copies by contacting the Leaders of Worship and Preaching Trust (LWPT) at A suggested donation for digital back issues is £5.