God made humans in the image of God
Each and every one of us is worthy of equal value and dignity.
For Methodists, striving for social justice is a keystone of their faith.

The Methodist Church has made a commitment to be a Justice Seeking Church. This builds on a long and impactful history of engaging in social action and pursuing social justice.
There are six Principles for Justice that reflect our theology and direct our actions. At the core of these principles is God’s love for all people. They offer a focus to our commitment in seeking transformation of the world and are outworked in the Priorities for Justice.
There are five priorities are tackling inequality and poverty, enabling a flourishing environment, seeking justice for refugees, opposing discrimination, and pursuing peace.
God for all
We know that people can be put off ideas of 'God' and 'religion' for many reasons. That's why we're taking action.
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We see injustice where the rules and norms of society discriminate against the weakest and give the advantages to the most powerful.
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Peacemaking lies at the heart of the biblical story and is a central Christian vocation.
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The Methodist Church is committed to Justice for all, Dignity for all, and Solidarity with all.
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In the face of the number of people now displaced, our Christian understanding that we all have a common identity in God is as important as ever.
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The Methodist Church has set an aspirational target of becoming a net zero carbon emissions Church by 2030.
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Our Heritage of Social Action
From the outset, Methodists were encouraged to work to their utmost to improve the lives of others.
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