
Updated 22 August 2022

There are various ways to share the use of Methodist buildings with Christians of other traditions.

Joint services

Managing trustees may, with the consent of the Superintendent, hold occasional joint services with those of another Christian communion or body (see Model Trust 14(2) in CPD Volume 2).

Worship on particular occasions 

Managing trustees may, with the consent of the Superintendent and the Methodist Council, permit the use of Methodist premises by another Christian church or congregation for religious purposes, including worship. The terms of use should be documented either by a licence or a lease, which should adhere to the policy guidelines adopted by the Methodist Council in January 2022.  

To obtain consent to grant a licence or lease, managing trustees must complete Schedule 14a rather than applying via the Property Consents website. If this is the first time a licence or lease has been granted to the other Christian church or congregation to use Methodist premises, a copy of that church’s/congregation’s statement of beliefs should be sent to the Connexional Ecumenical Officer. If the church or congregation is of a known denomination (eg a member of Churches Together in Britain and Ireland) then the application should be straightforward. An email to the ecumenical desk may be helpful. 

Schedule 14a:
Please email your completed form to the Conference Office.  Electronic signatures are acceptable.

For further information about allowing other Christian churches or congregations to use Methodist property under Model Trust 14(2A), including a standard form Worship Licence and template Worship Booking Form, see: Letting Property and Third Party Use (TMCP website)

Note: A licence or lease for worship by those of non-Christian faiths is not permitted on Methodist Model Trust premises.

The Sharing of Church Buildings Act (1969) for England and Wales and similar legislation in other jurisdictions

If managing trustees in England and Wales wish to share a Methodist building on a medium- to long-term basis, consideration should be given to entering into a Sharing Agreement under the Sharing of Church Buildings Act (1969). Similar provisions apply in the Isle of Man and in Jersey.

A summary of the provisions of the 1969 Act are available here: 
Sharing of Church Buildings Act 1969 (CTBI website)

Please let your Superintendent, District Ecumenical Officer, and District Property Secretary know if you are considering the possibility of a sharing agreement for a Methodist building or a building of another denomination and contact TMCP Legal and the ecumenical desk for guidance.

For other ways of letting and allowing third parties to use Methodist property, see Letting Property and Third Party Use.