
The Marks of Chaplaincy

The chaplain:

  • offers ministry beyond the walls - to where people are 
  • is an invited guest and not the host 
  • is vulnerable - not powerful 
  • is commissioned by the Church and accredited by the host 
  • is an intentional presence - rather than gathering 
  • is an authentic expression of Christian Mission - sharing in what God is doing in the world.

Chaplains work in a variety of contexts:

  • Chaplains are pastors: they need to be able to listen care and attention, empathise, understand, maintain confidentiality, and seek to be available to those in need.
  • Chaplains are interpreters: they try to identify, understand and share in issues affecting the culture of a particular context and what God is doing there and to help the people there to understand God. This means winning the right to be heard and sometimes being in the role of critical friend, mediator, reconciler, speaking truth to power.
  • Chaplains are ambassadors: they represent the Church, and they also report back to the Church about the new insights they have gained.
  • Chaplains are pray-ers: they pray for the places where they work and when it is appropriate they pray with the people who are there sometimes creating new forms of worship for their context.
  • Chaplains are midwives: enabling the birth of awareness of God in the place where they serve.
  • Chaplains are connectors: they connect their faith with their context by being chaplains to all and demonstrate gospel values such as compassion and concern for social justice. 
  • Chaplains are guests in the contexts they serve, but often work by acting ashostscrossing bridges to provide hospitality, welcome and interaction with others.