
An interview with Ben Rose - Global Mission Fellow in Portrush with the Surf Project


Ben Rose is from Birmingham and is currently serving as a Global Mission Fellow at the Surf Project, Portrush, Northern Ireland.  He met up online with Andy Dye from the Global Relationships team and had a chat.  Learn more about Global Mission Fellows here.

Andy: Good to see you today Ben!

Ben: Good to see you (thumbs up)!

Both Laugh

Andy: How would you summarise your work?  What are you doing?

Ben: My work is very diverse. I’m a Global Mission Fellow, with the Methodist Church in Ireland, with The Surf Project we have a mission, the focus is on serving and surfing, as we say, so we do a variety of activities, predominantly surfing on the north coast of Northern Ireland, we also hold workshops and bible studies on the beach on connecting with God in different ways, as well as school retreats that happen later in the year.


Andy: Wow!  Do you get to do a lot of surfing?

Ben: It depends on the weather! I did go in a couple of weeks ago in January when it was nice and sunny. It was rather brisk, let’s say!

Andy: It sounds amazing to do mission and ministry and surfing together…is being a Global Mission Fellow what you imagined it to be?

Ben: Interesting question, being a GMF is an amazing opportunity and it’s what you make of it. The more you put into it, the more you get out.  I’ve been able to meet all different people from around the world and people locally who ask all about what I’m doing and are so friendly and ask me to tell them my story.

Andy: In your journey from Birmingham to Northern Ireland, what has been the biggest challenge for you?

Ben: It’s been readjusting.  Even though Northern Ireland is not a long way from Birmingham, there are still a lot of cultural differences people don’t realise.  People are so friendly and it’s a small community especially in the winter but seasonal and very busy in the summer.  Quite different from the city life I am used to.  You can just walk down the road and people are asking how you are doing.

Andy: So you almost get to know everyone in the town?

Ben: Kind of, yes. Everyone knows everybody. I went to the local supermarket and someonesaw me and said I’ll give you a lift home.  Very kind!

Andy: The surf project is a work of the Methodist Church in Ireland, have you seen any big differences between the Methodist Church in Britain and the Methodist Church in Ireland?

Ben: I really like the way in which they put young people at the front of a lot of what they do. The Irish youth department is doing lots and has lots of really exciting opportunities. I love the way in which there is a link between the Methodist Church in Britain and in Ireland and sharing between the two.


Andy: You’ve been there now since August, in the months since you’ve been there how do you think God is speaking to you?

Ben: this has been a really interesting time. I feel like God has put me here for a specific reason.   I was thinking to myself recently, God has put me here to make me think about things in this time and what I really want to do. I’m really enjoying engaging with people in different walks of life and also specifically with teenagers.  I’m developing through leading young peoples work and activities and that’s encouraging me in thinking about what I want to do with my life.

Andy: that’s fantastic Ben, that you are in that place and open to hearing what God is saying to you.  I wonder have there been any surprises while you have been there?

Ben: I had the surprise of culture shock when I first arrived. When the holiday seasons died down, it’s a very seasonal place. People then wondered why I was here and I explained that I was working here and not on holiday to their surprise.

Andy: Portrush sounds like Cornwall, really seasonal, seaside towns, that are packed in the summer and have small communities in the winter.

Ben: Yes the property situation can be a problem for local people here too.

Andy: If there was one thing that you could say to British Methodists about your time, what would it be?


Ben: That’s a good question, I would say support your young people and think about where we want to see the church grow in the future. Where do we see young people and their place in the church? Where do we find young people? Because church comes to people in different ways. I’ve found in myself that my fellowship is in our small group devotional each week, and in staff meetings, in the interactions in engaging with people outside the traditional physical church walls.

Andy: that’s brilliant thanks Ben, great to talk to you today.

Ben: Thanks!

(With thanks to Ben for the use of his pictures)

Please keep Ben in your prayers as he continues to serve as a Global Mission Fellow, you can read more at: Rose, Benjamin T. - Global Ministries (umcmission.org)