
The Church of South India has written to share its work in responding to the needs of people during COVID-19.

The Church of South India was quick to grasp the grave situation arising out of the Covid19 lockdown. This is because the CSI has a majority of membership from, and is sustained through, the selfless contributions of the daily wage-earning workers and those on monthly incomes who struggle to make both ends meet. The sudden close down has hit them hard, since people live from day to day. They cannot store for the next day. The churches too were hard hit due to this sudden closure of the worship places during festival season.

The church has responded by setting up community kitchens to distribute food and essentials and youth groups have prepared hand sanitizers and masks, and spread awareness on public safety. Every Diocese continues to support vulnerable people whose livelihoods have been greatly impacted by the Coronavirus, helping them with emergency food packets.  The church has sought to support those from the vulnerable communities such as Migrant workers, Dalit and Adhivasi people.


In their report, the General Secretary C. Fernandas Rathina Raja, reflects:

 “During the Post Covid19 times, a new phase of responsibility and activism will dawn upon the Church of South India as well as for churches world over. The Church of South India will surely stand up to the challenges of the times with the help of the Spirit of God who brought us together. Once again, many thanks on behalf of the Church of South India for your continued concern and support.”

Read the full report here 

This work of the Church of South India was in part supported by the British Methodist Church from the World Mission Fund COVID-19 general grant

Watch a video prepared by the Church of South India on their work during COVID-19. This video is in the  public domain.