If someone is in immediate danger or needs urgent medical attention, call 999. If the situation you are reporting is not an emergency, please use the contact details below:
If you have a safeguarding concern or query your first port of call should be your District Safeguarding Officer. There are Safeguarding Officers in every District in the Methodist Church.
Contact the Connexional Safeguarding Team for the following:
- if you have a concern about something that has happened to you and would like advice or information,
- for specific questions on the Church's Safeguarding policy
- to discuss an unclear DBS/PVG check
- if you have a safeguarding concern or query that the District Safeguarding Officer cannot answer
Contact your District Safeguarding Officer (DSO)
Read what your DSO can help you with, and view a map of the Districts.
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Contact the Connexional Safeguarding Team
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Links to Methodist District Safeguarding Pages
Visit District safeguarding pages for information on district policy, safeguarding training dates and booking and other safeguarding resources.
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Other sources of help
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