
Methodist Safeguarding Training

Which safeguarding Training am I required to attend?

The safeguarding training offered by the Methodist Church includes the Foundation and Advanced Modules.  Please see the below documents for details of who needs to attend the Foundation and Advanced module training.  

Safeguarding Foundation Module Training: Who needs to attend?

Safeguarding Advanced Module Training: Who needs to attend?

Further details for participants about each module and the ways training can be accessed are included on the participants webpage for each course below.   You will also find the answers to some common queries on the Frequently Asked Questions page. 

Refreshing your training

The training interval for refreshers is 4 years. Using this pattern, the Methodist Church ensures that everyone in key roles receives this good quality training.

Please contact your District Safeguarding Officer with any queries on safeguarding training or how to book on.  Contact Details

Methodist/Church of England reciprocal recognition of safeguarding training (01/10/2022)

The Methodist Church and the Church of England have agreed that they will each recognise the other denomination’s Foundation and Advanced (Leadership) Module Training as being equivalent to their own. 

Safeguarding Training Update - July 2024

Foundation Module

The new Foundation Module 2024 materials have now been added. There is only one new Trainers section, where materials for both face-to-face and Zoom delivery can be found. Existing Foundation Module Trainers will be able to access the new webpage after they have attended a Trainers’ Update session.

The Foundation Module 2020 and Foundation Module 2020(Modified 2022) Trainers’ materials are still available for reference via the Archive section, without the need for further passwords.

If you are a safeguarding trainer and need further assistance logging in please contact your District Safeguarding Officer.

Advanced Module

The Advanced Module 2023 materials are online. There is only one section, where materials for both face-to-face and online delivery can be found. Existing Advanced Module Trainers can access the new webpage after they have attended a Trainers’ Update session.

The Advanced Module 2019 Face to face and Online (Safeguarding Trainers) materials are still available for reference via the Advanced Module 2023 (Safeguarding Trainers) section, without the need for further passwords.

Safeguarding Webinars and Podcasts

As well as the core programme of Foundation and Advanced Module safeguarding training, the Connexional Safeguarding team have a webinar programme.  See the Safeguarding webinars , talks and podcasts page to register for upcoming webinars, or view recordings of previous webinars on topics such as domestic abuse, financial abuse and bullying as well as podcasts on topics such as sexual harassment, the theology of safeguarding and coercive control.