
Advanced Module 2023 Edition (Participants)

The Creating Safer Space Advanced Module course can be delivered either face-to-face or online; this Handbook is designed to fit alongside both forms of training.

Face-to-face Training

This is split into three parts:

  • Unit 1a: Preparing the Ground Booklet - an hour of self-study
  • Core learning session (Units 1b-5) - minimum of 4 hours taught
  • Handbook – to support learning during Advanced Module and for further study and resources.

 Online Training:

This is also split into three parts:

  • E-learning (units 1-5a) - approximately 4 to 7 hours which can be completed in smaller sections. Alongside the e-learning, participants complete a Workbook which they then take to the Gathered session.
  • Gathered Session (Unit 5b) – a 2 hour facilitated session to consolidate learning from Advanced Module (online) e-learning.
  • Handbook – to support learning during Advanced Module and for further study and resources.

N.B. the e-learning MUST be completed before attending a Gathered Session

The training aims to:

  • to consolidate and develop your previous safeguarding learning and:
  • extend your understanding of responding well to groups within our different Church communities
  • further equip you with skills and resources to be confident in promoting good practice in the church and community
  • explore what this means in your designated role of responsibility within the Church

Frequently Asked Questions: Please see the Frequently Asked Questions page below for answers to some issues we are often asked about.