
Bullying Webinars

Tackling bullying, changing culture and enabling positive relationships:

A series of webinars from the Methodist Church

Following her virtual travels around the connexion our former Vice President, Carolyn Lawrence,  heard accounts of members who have experienced bullying and poor behaviour in different church contexts. After discussions with Connexional staff about these issues and what resources are available to help the church be better prepared in this area, work started to address how we can improve our overall awareness, the resources already available, and ability to take action when required.

We are therefore very pleased to present three specific webinars looking at different aspects of anti-bullying action.  They are designed for all church leaders with the Methodist Church and any other members and officers who are interested in how we can continue our journey of making churches and church work safer for everyone involved.

Webinar 1: Tackling Bullying, Changing Culture, Enabling Positive Relationships

Within the church we believe that everyone should be enabled to flourish, to become the people whom God created them to be. Promoting positive working relationships is a key part of enabling individuals and communities to flourish and culture to change. The webinar offered practical ways in which to tackle bullying, change culture and enable positive relationships.

This webinar has already happened. You can watch the full recording here

There were also a number of resources shared in this webinar.

Webinar 2: Reconciling communities: living well with difference

Change, disagreement and conflict is a part of everyday church life. This interactive webinar invites you to look at disagreements in a new light, seeing them as an opportunity for creativity, community-building and conflict transformation. You will experience an online facilitated conversation and find out more about the exciting new reconciliation and mediation pilot project being run in partnership with Place for Hope.

This webinar has already happened. You can watch the full recording here.

There were also a number of resources shared in this webinar.

Webinar 3: Addressing Bullying through Justice, Dignity and Solidarity

17 June - 11:00am – 12.30pm

In this webinar we explore the relationship between bullying, discrimination and exclusion. Panellists will examine the intersectionality between individual, institutional and structural forms of discrimination and the role each may play in bullying. The importance of creating a supportive environment in which trust and confidence is achieved is critical to ensuring that no one suffers in silence. This webinar will present a range of inter-related approaches to tackling bullying, discrimination and exclusion, through a range of options offered by the Methodist strategy for Justice, Dignity and Solidarity. 

This webinar has already happened. You can watch the full recording here.