
The following books have been suggested by various correspondents. It is not a comprehensive bibliography of the topic; many of the resources referred to in these pages also include suggestions for further reading.


Edited by Karen Murphy and Bob Whorton, Chaplaincy in Hospice and Palliative Care (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2017)

Bob Whorton. Voices from the Hospice: Staying with Life Through Suffering and Waiting (SCM Press, 2015). Includes suggested further reading under headings including the challenge of suffering, spirituality, and the Psalms.

Paul Nash. Supporting Dying Children and their Families (SPCK, 2011)

Pete Greig. God on Mute: Engaging the Silence of Unanswered Prayer (David C Cook, 2007)

John Ballat and Penelope Campling. Intelligent Kindness: Reforming the Culture of Healthcare. (RCPsych Publications, 2011)

Louis Heyse- Moore. Speaking of Dying: A Practical guide to Using counselling skills in palliative care. (Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 2009)

Mark Cobb. The Dying Soul: Spiritual Care at the End of life (Open University Press, 2001)

Jennifer Tann. Soul Pain: Priests Reflect on Personal Experiences of Serious Illnesses (Canterbury Press, 2013)

Frances M Young. Face to Face: A Narrative Essay in the Theology of Suffering (T&T Clark, 1990)

Eric Cassell. The Nature of Suffering and the Goals of Medicine (Oxford University Press, 1991, 2004)

John S Lampard. Go forth, Christian soul – The biography of a prayer (Epworth Press, 2005, reprinted by WIPF & Stock, 2015)

Atul Gawande. Being Mortal (Profile Books, 2014). A view of death and the failures of modern medicine, written by a practicing surgeon.

Methodist Church and Church of England. Seasons of my soul  (Methodist Publishing, 2014)