Ride on, ride on in majesty!
Read more- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Theme: The Passion and the Cross
- Authors & translators: Milman, Henry Hart
- Metre: 88.88. Long Metre
- Tune: Winchester New
- Composers & arrangers: Wittwe, Georg
- Composers & arrangers: Havergal, William Henry
- Festivals and Seasons: Holy Week
Lift high the Cross, the love of Christ proclaim
Read more- Elements of Worship: Dismissal/Sending Out
- Theme: Our Journey with God
- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Theme: The Passion and the Cross
- Authors & translators: Newbolt, M. R.
- Authors & translators: Kitchin, G.W.
- Metre: 10.10. and refrain
- Composers & arrangers: Nicholson, Sydney Hugo
- Tune: Crucifer
The desolate Messiah dies
Read more- Theme: Jesus Risen and Ascended
- Theme: Nature and Mystery of God
- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Theme: The Passion and the Cross
- Authors & translators: Hill, Gareth
- Composers & arrangers: Lee, David (comp)
- Tune: Whinney Hill
- Festivals and Seasons: Holy Week
- Metre: 86.86.84.
At the name of Jesusevery knee shall bow
Read more- Elements of Worship: Praise
- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Authors & translators: Noel, Caroline Maria
- Metre: 65.65.D.
- Tune: Camberwell
- Composers & arrangers: Brierley, John Michael
At the name of Jesusevery knee shall bow
Read more- Elements of Worship: Praise
- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Authors & translators: Noel, Caroline Maria
- Metre: 65.65.D.
- Tune: Evelyns
- Composers & arrangers: Monk, William Henry
Christ, our King before creation
Read more- Festivals and Seasons: Ascension
- Theme: Christ the Saviour
- Theme: Calling and Commissioning
- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Authors & translators: Jones, Ivor H. (auth)
- Metre: 87.87.D. (Trochaic)
- Tune: Muff Field
- Composers & arrangers: Zündel, John
- Tune: Love Divine (Zündel)
Christ triumphant, ever reigning
Read more- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Authors & translators: Saward, Michael
- Tune: Guiting Power
- Composers & arrangers: Barnard, John
- Metre: 85.85. and refrain
Father, whose everlasting love
Read more- Authors & translators: Wesley, Charles
- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Metre: 88.88. Long Metre
- Tune: Melcombe
- Composers & arrangers: Monk, William Henry
- Composers & arrangers: Webbe, Samuel, the elder
Great is he who's the King of kings
Read more- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Authors & translators: Anonymous (auth)
- Metre: Irregular
- Composers & arrangers: Clarke, Martin V.
- Composers & arrangers: Townend, Stuart (comp)
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
Read more- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Authors & translators: Newton, John
- Metre: 86.86. Common Metre
- Tune: St Peter
- Composers & arrangers: Reinagle, Alexander Robert
I will sing the wondrous story
Read more- Theme: Conversion and New Life
- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Authors & translators: Rowley, Francis Harold
- Metre: 87.87.D. (Trochaic)
- Tune: Calon Lân
- Composers & arrangers: Hughes, John
I will sing the wondrous story
Read more- Theme: Conversion and New Life
- Theme: Prophet, Priest and King
- Authors & translators: Rowley, Francis Harold
- Metre: 87.87.D. (Trochaic)
- Tune: Hyfrydol
- Country or culture: Wales
- Composers & arrangers: Prichard, Rowland Huw