
Some of the larger documents below have been bookmarked for easier use on a computer.

Note:  A selection of Appendixes to the main policy document have been extracted for easy reference and are available below. 

Safeguarding Policy, Procedures and Guidance for the Methodist Church - July 2023

Updated and bookmarked July 2023

Summary of the Safeguarding Policy of the Methodist Church - July 2023

10 page summary of the Safeguarding Policy

The revised safeguarding policy document explained (May 2023)

This document provides a general overview of the rationale for the changes to the document as well as a brief look at what is different.

Addendum-detailed documented changes to the Methodist Church Safeguarding Policy (May 2023)

This document provides a section by section summary of the changes in a table format contrasting the previous with the newly revised policy.

Safer Recruitment Policy, Procedures and Guidance - Updated January 2024

Amended January 2024 to correct pagination. Amended November 2023 to include new guidance on Confidential Declarations

PVG Guidance - The Methodist Church in Scotland-August 2021

Domestic Abuse policy and procedure 2021

Bookmarked July 2023

Safeguarding Risk Assessment Policy and Procedures

This document sets out the policy and procedures for conducting safeguarding risk assessments within the Methodist Church. This is a new policy and has been written to reflect GDPR provisions. Updated May 2018

Model Key Points for External User Groups of Premises

Updated July 2020

Anti-Bullying policy-July 2023

Appendix 1 (now includes flow chart)

Procedures for safer working practice when managing children's activities July 2023

Appendix 2

Procedures for the management of safeguarding information-July 2023

Appendix 4

Model Church Safeguarding Policy - Updated July 2023

This Model Church policy template may be used and amended to suit local circumstances. Appendix 6a

Model Circuit Safeguarding Policy - Updated 25 August 2023

This model circuit policy template may be used and amended to suit local circumstances. Appendix 6b

Model District Safeguarding Policy - Updated July 2023

This model district policy template may be used and amended to suit local circumstances. Appendix 6c

Role Description for church safeguarding officer - March 2023

Appendix 7a

Role Description for Circuit Safeguarding Officer-March 2023

Appendix 7b

Safeguarding Training Attendance-July 2023

Appendix 9

External Users' safeguarding policy declaration agreement-March 2023

Appendix 10

Safeguarding Guidance for Local Ecumenical Partnerships (LEPs) -July 2023

Responding to character reference requests - July 2023

Appendix 5b

Building Risk Assessment Template

This building risk assessment form can be used to comply with the recommendation on the church safeguarding policy template for the church premises to be assessed by the Church Safeguarding Officer and the property steward annually.

Code of safer working practices when working with children and young people leaflet - Jan 2024

A leaflet outlining good practice and systems should be given to everyone who works with children, young people and vulnerable adults. This leaflet should be reviewed annually.

Code of safer working practices when working with adults leaflet - Jan 2024

A leaflet outlining good practice and systems should be given to everyone who works with children, young people and vulnerable adults. This leaflet should be reviewed annually.

Policy and guidance for working with victims and survivors- November 2023

The policy outlines the types of support we can offer to victims and survivors and what they should be able to expect from their contact with the Methodist Church

Survivors Policy - A Short guide for victims and survivors - November 2023

A supporting short guide to the document, summarising the full document, written directly for victims and survivors.

Pastoral Care Guidance August 2024

The Pastoral Care Guidance document is for pastoral visitors and covers topics such as good practice, support and keeping yourself safe, confidentiality and record keeping.

Safeguarding and Pastoral Care August 2024

This guidance is for ministers and anyone who has a leadership role in pastoral care within the Methodist Church. It includes safer recruitment and different roles which pastoral visitors may have.