
Discover prayers for different topics, themes, events, occasions and days of the month. These are for reference and use in planning services and events.

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Praying neon hands.

A prayer for today

Read prayers for today, as written by Methodists from across the world.

Loving Lord, we lift up the Channel Islands District to you and pray that your loving, healing light would nurture the seed of your Holy Spirit that is planted deep within all believers in this place.

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Sensitive God, as you hid your face from those who went before, knowing that we cannot grasp the full measure of your glory, thank you that so often in the quiet, hidden places you make your treasures known

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Let our chief conversation be with you, O God

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O God our Creator, like the collier digging underground and the quarryman chiselling the face of the slate, you are at work to discover treasure in unexpected places.

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Great, O God is the power of your glory

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Holy God, in the wonder and diversity of your awesome creation, your glory is revealed all around us in a myriad of ways.

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Cleanse our hearts, O Lord our God

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Almighty God, we recognise that all good things come from you.

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Faithful God, open the eyes of our hearts to recognise your presence in the seemingly hopeless circumstances of life.

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Dear Lord, Thank you for being there when we are down.

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God the Holy Spirit, through the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ, you have taught us that the kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field.

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