
Discover prayers for different topics, themes, events, occasions and days of the month. These are for reference and use in planning services and events.

Please note that prayers being used in our popular Prayer for the Day feature are currently displayed with a date in this list, which is a bug.

Praying neon hands.

A prayer for today

Read prayers for today, as written by Methodists from across the world.

All-knowing God, you are the One who sees all and is through all.

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Let us walk with you in the way of the cross, O Christ

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Lord, you are always working even though we might not see it, in difficult times of suffering and pain, walking next to us.

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Loving God, help us to see the hidden treasure in our communities.

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Everywhere and always, O Christ, let us feel your presence

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Gracious God,
lamp to my feet,
light on my path.

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We turn to you, O Crucified Redeemer

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When darkness fills our horizons, help us to remember what Jesus taught about the hidden treasures of God’s love

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Come, Holy Spirit, inspiration of prophets and strength of apostles.

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Holy Spirit of God,
You promise to come to us in our need.

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Pour into our hearts, O God, the love that casts out fear

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Creator God, dweller in darkness, yet as light to you; from darkness you created earth, day and night, light and dark.

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