
Discover prayers for different topics, themes, events, occasions and days of the month. These are for reference and use in planning services and events.

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Praying neon hands.

A prayer for today

Read prayers for today, as written by Methodists from across the world.

With all the citizens of earth, O Christ, we rejoice in the glory of your divinity.

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Gracious God, in Jesus we see your image, in all its wonder and beauty, majesty and splendour.

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We are yours, O God, for you have made us and loved us.

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O God we come to you
God of the displaced, who created space for all,

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To use alongside the traditional Covenant prayer.

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Come, O courage of God to sustain us.

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Lord Jesus Christ, Wisdom and Word of God, dwell in our hearts, we pray

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Loving God who created all that lives, from the tiniest amoeba to the greatest of whales, which fill us with wonder and awe. We recognise your amazing ability to create out of what seems to be an impossibility, yet, we believe that all things are possible with you and we are grateful for your loving care.

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